Buttercup chicks. Our little green-legged chick has racing stripes like these do...We have three or four light-colored chicks with racing stripes, but only one with green legs. (Photo by Marilyn Rhea Cheeseman, courtesy of feathersite.com)
If she's a Buttercup, this is what she'll look like when she's bigger, although her coloring is already coming in. Quite pretty! Too bad they're described a "flighty." While we've had pretty good luck with the Garys, our Leghorns, memories of the Lakenvelders lingers. (Photo by Bill and Sue Tivol, courtesy of feathersite.com)
The clincher was when I picked up the chick and saw she had the double comb—identity confirmed! (Photo by Lisa Feitshans, courtesy of feathersite.com)
We shall call her Buttercup.
Now, I also know I have a bunch of Polish chicks, black, white-crested black, white, and blue/blue-splash. I still don't know yet which will be roosters and which will be hens.
(Photo by Ethan Logue, courtesy of feathersite.com)
I am positive about one being a rooster, the great big chick we call Dodo. I'm starting to think that Dodo is the Red-breasted Cubalaya listed on the packing sheet. If that's so, this is what he should look like when gets bigger.
If he gets bigger.
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