Friday, November 13, 2009

Somebody went somewhere just wasn't me.

G-man just got back from the Chimeriades convention in the Provence region of France. Yeah, game designer is never gonna make those World's Worst Jobs reality shows.

Ah, a French breakfast: strong coffee in a bowl, delicious fresh-baked baguette, sweet butter, and (usually) a savory, rich cheese—though that appears to be lacking at this table. After the con (a really good time, apparently. I am bummed the Post Office is such a harsh mistress), Greg, Charlie, Gregory, and Phillipe did some sight-seeing:

A sidetrip to Rennes le Chateau, a famous hoax as well as a pretty castle (and gaudy chapel)...

...and another sidetrip to Carcassone, a very different place minus the summertime crowds.

Sigh. Maybe next year?

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