Now that the bad garden's winding down for the autumn, I've been letting the poultry have the run of the entire yard during the day. Today when I went out the back door mid-morning, the chickens and ducks came running. I felt like the Pope.
Pretty soon I had a swirling cloud of animals following me, ducks, Wyandottes, Lakenvelders, cats, all in their species-specific valence. I sat down to watch and enjoy the morning. The ducks and chickens looked for pill-bugs and strawberries.
Meanwhile, the new cat on the block, Extra Red, had come into the yard trying to make a place. Vivani took her turn dissuading him of this notion. (He's called Extra Red because everyone on the block has a ginger cat. Really. There's one per house. So he's the extra red.)
That cat is HUGE by Nigerien standards! :-D
LOL...Vivani just looks huge, although she's a good-sized cat by Oaxacan standards. She doesn't realize that here she's a very small cat, though a very fluffy cat, to be sure.
You should see Big Red. That f****r is enormous.
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