Monday, March 17, 2008

It never rains in Arabia

I'm back in Humboldt; G and the rest of our party are traveling back in time in Turkey. This is an excerpt from G's last email:

...about 4 or more hours meanderıng down through Ephesus. Glorıous. Ran out of camera batterıes. Both!

...Lunch at an outsıde Turkısh place, sıttıng under a veranda on cushıons on the ground, guy smokıng a hooka nearby, monkey on a leash, eatıng stuffed pancakes and drınkıng tea. Then off to the museum where they have three statues of the many-breasted Artemıs, the temple they came from, and back here.

...the house of relıcs really ınterestıng. Lıkeö part of the skull of John the Baptıst and the raın gutter from the kaaba. Two of them!

...That nıght ıt was raınıng so we ate at the hotel and Don ordered thıs yogurt drınk thatismıxed wıth water. He lıked ıt. Untıl he got back tohıs room, whereupon he began pukıng and dıdn't stop all nıght. So the next day we flew to Izmır and he was fucked up.

...Turkey ıs entırely modern and feels very safe. Very secular and, unlıke Egypt, not full of harassıng sales guys.

Just pancake-eating monkeys.

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